How to Add a Band to the Wiki
Choose a WikiName for the band, e.g. TheHalibuts, LaikaAndTheCosmonauts.
Edit the BandDatabase page.
- If necessary, add a new section for the first letter of the band's name. Don't count leading articles like "The". In other words, The Halibuts should be filed under "H" not "T".
Add a line under the appropriate section for your new band by adding a leading slash to your WikiName. This will create a subpage for the band under BandDatabase. Your line should look something like this:
/MyNewBand - My New Band (location).
- Save changes.
Click on the new link to /MyNewBand
The next page will ask you if you want to create a new page, or start from a template. You want to use our new band template, so click on BandTemplate from the list of templates in the left column.
- You can then begin entering the band information by changing the default template information. Please remember to enter facts only in a neutral tone. This isn't the place to hype your band.
- If you have any questions please ask in the SG101 forums.
- Don't feel like you have to have all the information before starting an entry. Someone else will fill in the blanks, or you can return to it later.
- Feel free to contact the band (if you have contact info) and ask for key dates and bio information.